The Committee
Here are the committee members and their primary role. We are always looking for people to help, without necessarily having to be on the committee, so if you have a skill that you would like to 'lend' us then please get in touch via the Contact Us page.

Alison Berrisford
Co Chairperson

Brian Wiggins
Co Chairperson

Graham Forbes
Web Technology and Graphics

Hannah Grindy
Marketing and Research

Janine Parkes
Membership Secretary & Costumier

John Edwards-Bick
Committee Member

Ken Messenger
Committee Member

Laura Cooney
Social Media
Lynn Hubbard
Secretary and Properties

Martina Ponsonby

Neil Lane
Safeguarding Officer

Sally Culleton
Finance Officer

Simon Wicks
Company Secretary and Sound Guru

Suzanne Lane
Marketing and Youth Co-ordinator

Tony Madden
Committee Member