A Youth Group for ages 7 to 15 based around drama, workshops and stage productions
smAll & Sundry
sMall & Sundry is a drama youth group and subsidiary of All & Sundry and focuses on acting techniques, building confidence on stage, team working skills and all aspects of performance.
We are looking for new youth group members aged 7-15 to join an already thriving drama group! The group is run by A&S members Laury Wiggins and Eva Derbyshire under whose leadership we feel that sMall & Sundry will continue to go from strength to strength!
Sessions are every Thursday during term time at Bromsgrove Baptist Church Hall, just off New Road, Bromsgrove from 6.30pm-8.30pm. Just pop along! And to add to the fun, sMall&Sundry aim to put on a show in the early summer to let everyone see how they are enjoying themselves.
This would be a great time to join the group, please ask your friends if their sons and daughters would like to be a part of this exciting group, it can also lead to a role in our annual Pantomime!