About All & Sundry
Who we are
All & Sundry is a semi-professional theatrical group with a current membership of around 70, made up of people from a wide variety of backgrounds, abilities, interests and ages. This diversity spans professional artistic and technical people to those who have only just entered the world of theatre. We perform principally in Bromsgrove, Droitwich Spa and Birmingham.
The Group has a formal Constitution and is managed by a 12 strong Committee. We have a youth section in the Group, and the Committee includes members who are youth representatives. In addition to mainstream productions, we run many social events, workshops and fund-raising activities, so that there is always something going on. In consequence, the Group has an active social side and this contributes hugely to the fun and enjoyment.....which is compulsory!
We have our own newsletter, "The Boards", which keeps everybody informed of what is going on within All & Sundry.
We are keen to attract new members, both on and off stage, so that interest in theatre can be widened to include as many people as possible in the North Worcestershire and South Birmingham area. To do this we aim to deliver an increasing number of productions of a wide and diverse nature, so that there is effectively something for everyone. We are also adventurous in what we perform, not sticking to the tried and tested - two of our productions to date have been written by group members.
We hope that you find all this of interest and experience a powerful drive to at least find out more! You may not have been on stage in your life, but don't let that stop you! On the other hand you may have piles of experience and be looking for new challenges! There are lots of different things to do apart from acting. Any production needs lots of support with things such as design, publicity, producing, directing, prompting, make-up, costumes, backstage, lighting, sound, administration, props, set and much more. Again, you may just be looking for a bit of sociability, helping out here and there as the need arises. All & Sundry is about people and that includes YOU!
We do have a Code of Conduct, but it's all common sense and hopefully there's nothing too onerous!
So, perhaps you've had an inner urge to "do something" in theatre, but never before had the opportunity (or the nerve!). Well, here it is - a friendly, welcoming group with lots going on.
Click here to send us an e-mail, or find us on Facebook.
Membership and how to join
Since its formation in 2004, All & Sundry has played to ever-growing audiences. It performs regularly to Main House and Studio audiences in Bromsgrove, Redditch and Birmingham. We are a vibrant group of over 70 actors, singers, dancers, writers, musicians and technicians with membership available for just £20 per year for 18-59 year-olds and £10 for everyone else. In addition to this the only other cost you will pay is the rehearsal fee (£1 per rehearsal and 50p for everyone else) which only applies if you are in a production. We must emphasise that no part-year subscriptions are available and that only fully paid up members can be cast in our shows. Membership of All & Sundry is not just about standing on stage and belting it out. We offer lots of opportunities to develop professional and workplace skills. Some of our talented members have gone on to professional theatre, TV and film work! You could develop the following skills: ☺ Acting ☺ Dancing ☺ Singing ☺ Improvisation ☺ Directing ☺ Producing ☺ Writing ☺ Stage management ☺ Lighting ☺ Sound ☺ Special effects ☺ Costume ☺ Make-up ☺ Set design ☺ Set construction and decoration For any other questions, or to join All & Sundry, please contact the Membership Secretary, Janine Parkes via info@allandsundry.uk. Please complete the attached form found here.
Mission Statement
All & Sundry is about involving and developing as many people as possible in an ambitious, exciting and extensive programme of theatrical and related activities. The All & Sundry ethos is that theatre should be fun and that members should derive a great deal of enjoyment, satisfaction and a sense of ownership from being part of the group. The group aspires to achieving the highest possible standards and to providing first-rate entertainment to the public and community at large.
Our Aims
Our aims are..... To perform to the general public, primarily in the Bromsgrove, Redditch and surrounding areas, a wide range of theatrical works on a regular basis To involve as many people as possible (of all ages and backgrounds and predominantly from the Bromsgrove, Redditch and surrounding areas) in the productions and activities of the Group All productions to be to the highest possible standards of quality and artistic ability To ensure that all members have fun and enjoy and benefit from the experience of being part of All & Sundry and that high levels of enthusiasm, commitment and ownership are generated To develop a wide reputation for varied and high quality theatrical productions and activities and gain as much publicity as possible for the group as a whole and for all those involved To continually look to the future and through training, practice, and involvement of all, ensure that All & Sundry is a dynamic, exciting, challenging and innovative group Financially, as a minimum, to cover costs, but also, if possible, to raise funds to invest in new equipment and facilities that will further the overall aims of the group